Below, please find the latest 914Cares initiatives that are in progress and need community support.

Support the World’s Largest Diaper Drive!

Be a part of the World’s Largest Diaper Drive by donating diapers, money, or hosting a drive with 914Cares

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914Cares delivers urgent help to the most vulnerable individuals and families in our community. From donations to starting a drive, your support will make a difference.

1st Annual Game Night

Save the date for March 26, 2025 for 914Cares's first annual Game Night! Stay tuned.

Benefit Concert at The Capitol Theatre

914Cares is excited to announce our first-ever benefit concert featuring Blues Traveler! The event will take place at The Capitol Theatre in Port Chester on Thursday, May 29, 2025. Tickets will go on sale in early 2025.



Maximizing your Support

Through the generosity of a local foundation, we are excited to announce that 100%
of your donation will go directly to the items and resources most needed in our community.
EVERY dollar donated will help care for our neighbors in need.